
Fitnessvwork Blueprint
(VIP Coaching)

Helping you balance
work life with fitness

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Check out some of the people we’ve helped:

Watch Video #1:

“Who is Joshua Oguntuase?”

In this video, you’ll get the chance to know a bit more about who I am, my journey and passion.

Watch Video #2:

“Why work with me..?”

In this video, I dive into magnifying why you should work with me, and how my experience and it’s unique approach help my clients get results.

Watch Video #3:

“Why you’ll get results here..?”

In this video, I explain how other programmes and surface level solutions you see within the fitness industry are simply ineffective in reaching your desired goal.

I’ll explain why what I do- works.

Watch Video #4:

“What are your next steps if invited to join vip coaching programme?”

I will talk you through the vetting and examination process which will gear you up for your transformation.

Sidney’s story

Sidney’s 18kg weight loss helped him get back into the finer things in life like playing football with his younger brother. Sidney was a fit young man who took part in a lot of sports….
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Vimbai’s story

I knew I needed to shed my excess belly fat, I also knew how important it was to get fit and stay healthy but it was hard to stay accountable and motivated. I struggled with this and got tired….
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